Saturday, July 2, 2011


I've been trying to write a post for close to an hour now. There is so much on my mind but nothing that can seem to go on to "paper." It's not all bad. The good news is, I got my text book for one of my more interesting classes for the summer. I'm reading it and actually enjoying it. It's a nice distraction from the world. Yes, I'm a nerd that way.

The bad, the memories are everywhere. Memories seem to stick around until I figure out the right way to process them and move past them. Sometimes it's nearly impossible to know how to process them. The particular one right now isn't new, but I've never really "seen" it all the way through. I have written out parts of it and deleted it several times. As much as I had planned for this blog to be a place where I can say anything, since I am anonymous, I've realized I'm not quite ready for that. After all many people know different aspects of my anonymous self. It's scary to tell the world what it was really like.

So for now, I'll just say that it's sunny outside, and raining. A few minutes ago there was hail too. It seems mother nature is as confused as I am.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey Angie,

    In case you're wondering, nothing personal with removing your post except that it had my first name on it and I'm paranoid bout that! Sorry! Appreciate it anyway. :)
