Friday, April 11, 2014

Ask River, Part 2

So I just noticed I have A LOT of partially finished posts that I never actually published.  I really do need to work at this blogging thing!  Most of it's just rambling about things though...spending the Thanksgiving holiday with family and having it be intimidating (since I tend to hate holidays) but it going I managed to go from miserable to happy/content (that one's a LONG one cus it's one of my favorite topics.  Fitting with my last post too!....there's one about going to a conference for young people in AA and realizing how horribly intimidated I still am by people my own age because I was so badly bullied as a kid (at least that's my theory for why).  I'm much more comfortable with people older than me or with kids.  I think there was other stuff, but anyway...

Rather than post all of that, since it would be quite the novel at this point and I already have issues with typing too much...I wanted to put up the offer again to make "requests" if you have questions or topics you'd like me to blog about.  It also goes along with what I said in my last post of wanting to use my experiences for good.  It may just be a matter of liking hearing myself talk, but I feel like maybe I can offer some useful insights, either to people who have lived through a similar situation, or people who are helping their kids or others through it.  I'm willing to talk about just about just about anything...abuse, foster care, addiction, the  If it's something that would be helpful to you to know please don't be embarrassed to ask.  I'd much rather write about what will be helpful to someone rather than whatever I happen to be randomly babbling about that day.  So if you have any questions for me please feel free to leave a comment, email me, send me a carrier pigeon, or however else you want to get in touch with me.

I did this a while back and I really enjoyed it (and I think I was at least a little helpful ;).  So yay!  Ready....go!  :)

1 comment:

  1. When you were old enough to realize that what was happening to you wasn't normal, that most kids didn't go home and have the shit beat out of them, how did your abusers keep you silent about it for so long? I know when you are a kid and especially when it's your parents who are hurting you, the world really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But you were being tortured! Did you contemplate telling all the time or was that just too scary to even imagine? As someone who has not been there or done that, I would think that nothing could be as terrifying as what you were already experiencing.
